inspire the next generation of environmental guardians

What do you picture when you think about the environment? Or sustainability? What imagery appears in your mind when the two words combine into “environmental sustainability”? If that picture is hazy, then fret not! Through the lens of the People, Public, and Private sectors, experience Singapore’s environmental sustainability context and explore how you might want to champion this multifaceted issue in your unique way.

1. Vanke Meisha Academy - Dialogue with YNUS Divest.JPG



  • Dialogue with local experts, activists, and advocates to learn and be inspired by the different ways an individual can be involved in environmental issues and action

  • Work alongside local environmentalists and contribute to their impactful work on the ground

  • Commune with nature through specially curated outdoor activities

  • Be equipped in social innovation skills in order to hit the ground running with a socio-environmentally impactful project or initiative of your own


Fees will differ according to your needs - please contact us for more information. All courses run with an organised group, with a minimum of 10 participants.

Fees typically include the following:

  • Accommodation & meals (we make socially and environmentally responsible choices as far as possible!)

  • Transport (including airport transfers)

  • Entrance fees for places of interest

  • Course materials

  • Engaging experts & 24/7 experienced facilitators

where your $ goes

Your investment in our courses enables Skillseed to further our social mission by empowering local communities through employment or job creation. It also also goes towards the development of future courses and journeys - we do intensive consultations and site visits with every partner organisation we work with. Finally, your support provides opportunities for past participants to further develop their skills and passions with us or our partner organisations.


Best suited for people who:

  • Are interested in pursuing further studies or a career in environmental-related fields

  • Are passionate about environmental issues and want to learn what tangible actions to take up

  • Are at least 15 years of age and in good health

  • Have no strict vegan diet requirements or severe allergies or debilitating allergies, and don't require prescription medicine that requires constant refrigeration

  • Are fluent in English (written & spoken)



Don’t worry! The Environmental Sustainability course can be enjoyed and experienced in discrete units. In other words, we are also able to condense this broad theme into half-day (or more!) learning experiences that focuses on the following specific (but not limited to) sub-themes such as:


Singapore’s Environmental history & current challenges

Understand how the historical & political context and sociocultural values of Singapore society shape how it views and approaches environmental sustainability


Youth-powered environmental movement

Understand how individual power can be harnessed and joined with others to form a collective movement in advocating for an environmental cause

2. Dalton Academy students doing Eco-Bricking.JPG

Waste & Ethical Consumerism

Understand the interconnection between societal attitudes, design, consumption, and waste

2. Environmental Stewardship in Bali.jpg

Farming in the Concrete Jungle

Explore the urban agriculture movement in Singapore and understand how space has been creatively harnessed to cultivate and grow food sustainably

6. Dalton Academy students on a Wild x Wayward walkshop.JPG

Communing with Nature

Rediscover and engage mindfully with the nature in our backyard


These learning journeys are best suited for:

School groups

Corporate learning retreats

Team bonding

Public groups who are keen on a backyard learning experience