
The (he)art of community and citizen engagement

We build trust-driven and collaborative communities for a more cohesive civil society

Skillseed is a Singaporean social enterprise that exists to help build a trust-driven and collaborative society. 

We distill insights from journeying with different communities, into experiential learning curricula that amplifies the partnerships and engagement capabilities of our stakeholders. These include government leaders, corporate stewards, teachers, youths, social workers and more.

Our community and capability development efforts contribute towards the accomplishment of UNSDG goals No. 4 (Quality Education for all), No. 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and No. 17 (Partnerships for the goals). 

Our Values

We believe that all co-creative endeavours will be made more inherently sustainable when guided by authenticity, relationality, dignity, empathy and a strengths-based approach.

Ownership, and ultimately, deep trust, would be natural outgrowths of this paradigm. 

The Heart of Community Building

We co-create community initiatives that are dignified, co-owned by our stakeholders and are asset-based.

The Art of Community and Citizen Engagement

We help leaders across all sectors become more impactful, relational and ultimately, more trusted in their respective capacities and communities.

Our Resilience Trails

Hear the stories of our communities.
Walk their paths, alongside. See our neighborhoods in a new light.

In partnership with Allkin Singapore (formerly known as AMKFSC Community Services), the Resilience Trails is a programme by Skillseed where we leverage the gifts of friends with disabilities, single mothers and other individuals from under-resourced communities, to  co-create and co-lead public learning journeys around their own homes. Hear also about their journey of grit and empowerment, transitioning from beneficiaries into active volunteers of Allkin Singapore.

Our purpose is to provide our Community Guides an avenue for dignified and flexible employment, that is being driven by their strengths. We’ve also mindfully designed the Resilience Trails to serve as a platform that promotes the agency, voice and power of our Guides, whilst fostering deeper empathy, awareness and understanding of communities’ lived experiences, in participants who experience the trails.

What Drives Us

> 8,197

have been equipped and worked alongside with us

> S$327,961

channeled to community partners

> 80,396 hours

of training and volunteering clocked in by our participants

Our Client Partnerships

Our ever-growing clientele ranges from government organisations such as the Public Service Division (PSD), Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) and Civil Service College (CSC) to esteemed local schools, including National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, Nanyang Technological University, Hwa Chong Institution and Eunoia Junior College, among others.

We are also honored to have worked with corporate organisations such as GIC and Temasek Foundation and social sector organisations like The Majurity Trust and NVPC.

Appreciation from our Client Partners

“This segment of the programme was eye opening, especially the resilience trails which led me to question some of my own assumptions and thinking about how government policies impact people on the ground. It also gave me new perspective and insights about leveraging on the inherent strengths and gifts that each and every individual in the community has.”

— Participant in the Social Sector Milestone Programme 2024

“ It allowed me to have an ethereal experience that i would not have seen in Singapore; the programmes and the company we experienced during the trip were also top tier and contributed towards an overall satisfactory trip that I would gladly go again in a heartbeat.”

— Bryan, SMU Pathfinders 2022

“Great facilitation and debrief!
Very well-prepared and one of the best community trails I have been on.”

— Ooi Shu Hui, NCSS D4I,
Resilience Trail Participant

“The experience was awesome! I faced some challenges during the planning and funding processes. Skillseed has been most helpful in assisting to source for alternative options to make the workshop possible. None of the vendors I had worked with is as proactive and engaging as Skillseed. They sought to understand my challenges and I am most grateful for their positive encouragement along the way which helped me to persevered and make the workshop happen at the end.”

— Irene Tan, MINDEF

Want to find out more?

Just drop us a message with your interest, and our friendly Skilseedee will take the conversation from there!

Skillseed has adopted the Tripartite Standards, and has committed to be a fair and progressive employer.