Get Involved

Skillseed has adopted the Tripartite Standards, and has committed to be a fair and progressive employer.

Current Available Positions

Looking for a flexible part time job?
Join us as an associate facilitator today!

Want to join the Skillseed family but unable to commit to an internship?

Have a heart for the community and interested in facilitating conversations on social issues?

If you replied yes to both questions, we would like you to join us as an Associate Facilitator for Resilience Trails!

Are you a fresh graduate?

We are open to fresh grads who are interested in the social space and want to consider a position with us. Send us your fresh(est) resume at and we would love to chat with you to find out more over a simple lunch or tea! :)

Volunteer with us!

We’re looking for talented (and fun-loving) individuals who want to contribute to our cause :)

If you would like to contribute your skills and experience for a greater cause, we are looking for:

Or any other skill sets you wish to contribute, please reach out to us!

Citizen Library

Our Citizen Library aims to connect everyday Singaporeans, or as we prefer to say, ‘Citizen Books’, with others (whom we call ‘Readers’) who are interested to hear our stories and perspectives on different topics of interest.

ABCD Community of Practice

(Our COP is currently inactive as we think and we plan this, but please stay tuned for further updates if you are interested.) The ABCD Community of Practice (CoP) is a monthly (virtual for now) gathering of like-minded individuals to explore how we can practise Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) in our own communities and how we might spread the ABCD methodology within and beyond the social sector.