26 January 2022
Dear all,
Given the present Covid-19 situation and in-line with the latest requirements by the government, we seek your understanding that strict adherence to these guidelines are required by each participant going on any learning journey that is conducted in partnership with Skillseed, as well as by the partner organisation, where applicable.
In order to protect the safety of other participants and our community partners, whose spaces we will be sharing during the course of the learning journey, Skillseed reserves the right to prevent participants who have failed to adhere to these guidelines from participating in the scheduled activities
We require the following actions to be taken for our in-person learning journeys:
Before the learning journey:
Because of the complexity of the Covid-19 situation, as well as the restrictions imposed by the Singapore government on many public spaces, only fully vaccinated persons (as defined here) will be allowed as participants and/or accompanying staff on Skillseed’s in-person physical learning journeys.
One(1) week before the commencement of the learning journey, partner organisations are required to send us a name-list of confirmed participants and their contact details, as well as the details of any accompanying staff. The partner organisation undertakes the responsibility to make sure that all participants and staff are fully vaccinated, and will be fully vaccinated on the day of the learning journey (less than 270 days have elapsed since the last vaccination).
All learning journeys will be conducted in groups of up to 5 pax, inclusive of an accompanying Skillseed Facilitator, in-line with current safe distancing measures. We seek your understanding that the safe-distancing measures might change prior to the session, and Skillseed will follow the Government’s guidelines accordingly.
During the learning journey:
On the day of the learning journey, all participants and accompanying staff will be required to show proof of vaccination, either through the TraceTogether App, or soft-copies or hard-copies of relevant vaccination documents.
Participants will be required to use the TraceTogether app to enter certain places of interest during the learning journey. Each participant must make sure that they have a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device that is capable of allowing them to scan SafeEntry QR codes, or have their Trace Together tokens with them.
Skillseed highly discourages participants who are unwell (e.g exhibiting signs of flu, cough, runny-nose etc) from participating in the learning journey. Should such participants insist on being a part of the learning journey, they are to bring an unused Antigen Rapid Test (ART) on the day of the learning journey, and perform the test in front of one of the Skillseed facilitators. Only participants who are able to show a negative ART test result will be able to participate in the learning journey, in this instance.
Participants who are febrile (showing signs of fever) will be strictly disallowed from participating in the learning journey. This is to ensure the safety of the rest of the participants and our community partners.
Participants are required to have their face masks on at all times, except when consuming food or drink, and maintain a safe distance of 1m from other participants and/or Skillseed facilitators.
There should be strictly no intermingling between different groups at any points in time during the learning journey.
For learning journeys with conveyance, participants are requested to keep to the same seats during the journey between destinations, and are required to minimise physical interaction as far as possible.