The ABCD Community of Practice (CoP) is a monthly (virtual for now) gathering of like-minded individuals to explore how we can practise Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) in our own communities and how we might spread the ABCD methodology within and beyond the social sector.
When you join our CoP, you can expect to...
Attend our CoP gatherings every 1-2 months, where members share our work, experiences and learnings relating to ABCD, discuss ABCD happenings around us, and collectively deepen our understanding of the ABCD practice. Session date and timings will be determined by polls done in our Telegram group.
Become part of an active Telegram group to spontaneously share ABCD news and check-ins.
Play a part in shaping the Community together with us! We want you to have ownership over this community space, and are excited to hear what you’d like to see happen in this space.
If you would like to be a part of our Community of Practice, help us to get to know you better by filling up this form!
Join our Get-To-Know-You Session this December!
Our CoP will be celebrating the end of the year with an hour-long Get-To-Know-You session on Wednesday, 22 December 2021 (timing to be confirmed).
If you’re new to the community and / or still deciding if you want to join our CoP, we welcome you to meet the other members of the CoP during this session by clicking the link below.
If you’re an existing member, join us in welcoming our new members on board!
Some activities from our past CoP gatherings include co-creating a Community Canvas for our CoP, an ABCD 101 micro-lesson, sharings from CoP members about their work in ABCD, and reflecting on our individual and collective Head-Heart-Hand (H3) gifts.
If you would like to be a part of our Community of Practice, help us to get to know you better by filling up this form!
Once a year, our CoP organises a virtual ABCD Assembly, which aims to provide a platform for current and aspiring practitioners to connect over and learn more about Asset-Based Community Development. The Assembly is also a space to showcase current ABCD-inspired initiatives and development in Singapore and the region.
In 2020, we organised our first inaugural ABCD Assembly. In our second iteration of the ABCD Assembly, we’re honoured to have shared the space with more than 100 participants and had a blast, learning and sharing alongside our speakers and participants!