our guides’ profile

Alex Tan

  • Volunteer at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414

  • Passion for walking and exploring neighbourhoods

You do not need a good reason to be good to others.”

Alex is a regular volunteer at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414, and has been staying at Ang Mo Kio for 37 years. Growing up in Ang Mo Kio, Alex loves how central the neighbourhood is, as well as the sense of community spirit among residents. During the COVID pandemic period, Alex helped out at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 643, by pasting social distancing markers for an Iftar celebration. Thereafter, he learnt about the nearby Community Hub at 414 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 (Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414) and started volunteering there in his personal capacity. For instance, Alex helps with setting the tables for the Community Hub’s “Food We Share” programme, an initiative run by and for fellow residents every week. Besides helping out at their lunch programme, Alex also conducts walking trails for Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414, bringing participants around the neighbourhood and sharing his stories.

Armed with a passion for walking, Alex spends his free time exploring new places in his neighbourhood. He enjoys talking to people and interacting with others and he is always on the lookout for new volunteering opportunities. He hopes to be able to continue volunteering in various communities as he finds great meaning in giving back. To him, being part of a larger community is like having a second family, where one need not be afraid of seeking help.

(All our Community Guides have given their consent for their personal stories to be shared.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our Guides for openly sharing their stories with us!)

Please write in to enquire at info@skillseed.sg!

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